我不收你""知識產權使用費"", 那可以了吧, 哈哈..還是整首貼出來吧, 我記得該是中二那年唸的A Psalm Of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.Tell me not in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream!For the soul is dead that slumbers,And things are not what they seem.Life is real! Life is earnest!And the grave is not its goal;Dust thou are, to dust thou returnest,Was not spoken of the soul.Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,Is our destined end or way;But to act, that each tomorrowFind us farther than today.Art is long, and Time is fleeting,And our hearts, though stout and brave,Still, like muffled drums, are beatingFuneral marches to the grave.In the world’s broad field of battle,In the bivouac of Life,Be not like dumb, driven cattle!Be a hero in the strife!Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!Let the dead Past bury its dead!Act, - act in the living Present!Heart within, and God o’erhead!Lives of great men all remind usWe can make our lives sublime,And, departing, leave behind usFootprints on the sand of time;Footprints, that perhaps another,Sailing o’er life’s solenm main,A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,Seeing, shall take heart again.Let us then be up and doing,With a heart for any fate;Still achieving, still pursuing,Learn to labor and to wait.復活節了, 就抄來朋友email轉來的一段話吧, 年輕朋友或許現在用不上, 但希望你們記下來, 過幾十年再看看. 因為到時阿莫就沒辦法跟你們說這些話了, 就提早讓你們看吧, 呵呵我喜歡英文中的中年代稱,不是middle-age這麼赤裸裸的直稱,而是用prime time -- 黃金時間。" /> 我不收你""知識產權使用費"", 那可以了吧, 哈哈..還是整首貼出來吧, 我記得該是中二那年唸的A Psalm Of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.Tell me not in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream!For the soul is dead that slumbers,And things are not what they seem.Life is real! Life is earnest!And the grave is not its goal;Dust thou are, to dust thou returnest,Was not spoken of the soul.Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,Is our destined end or way;But to act, that each tomorrowFind us farther than today.Art is long, and Time is fleeting,And our hearts, though stout and brave,Still, like muffled drums, are beatingFuneral marches to the grave.In the world’s broad field of battle,In the bivouac of Life,Be not like dumb, driven cattle!Be a hero in the strife!Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!Let the dead Past bury its dead!Act, - act in the living Present!Heart within, and God o’erhead!Lives of great men all remind usWe can make our lives sublime,And, departing, leave behind usFootprints on the sand of time;Footprints, that perhaps another,Sailing o’er life’s solenm main,A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,Seeing, shall take heart again.Let us then be up and doing,With a heart for any fate;Still achieving, still pursuing,Learn to labor and to wait.復活節了, 就抄來朋友email轉來的一段話吧, 年輕朋友或許現在用不上, 但希望你們記下來, 過幾十年再看看. 因為到時阿莫就沒辦法跟你們說這些話了, 就提早讓你們看吧, 呵呵我喜歡英文中的中年代稱,不是middle-age這麼赤裸裸的直稱,而是用prime time -- 黃金時間。" />
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我只玩了一个完整的赛季,但我必须说,在过去的两个Smackdowns中,就故事情节而言,赛季模式有了很大的改进。从小就喜欢威廉·莎士比亚的作品,记得在中小学英语课上学习《麦克白》、《无事生非》和《第十二夜》等作品以及肯尼斯·布拉纳的《无事生非》和罗曼·波兰斯基的《麦克白》等各种电影改编作品时,非常喜欢大声朗读各个部分。"我最近看过的最好的系列之一,李敏镐总是最擅长为电视剧选择故事,令人惊叹的内容,与普通韩剧截然不同的东西,该剧应该是韩语剧中最受欢迎的推荐"。。 我没有对电影中的女性伸张正义,其中莉娜·奥林无疑是最可爱和最吸引人的,作为乔的新女友,她是一个通灵者,她能够利用她的力量协调在罗迪欧大道上购物和发现杀手——这反过来又开始了追逐。我看了前两集,拒绝浪费时间进一步观看。有它在,遇到什么危险都可以预警,算一算,再过半个月就可以去接它了,也不知道它有没有顺利长出第二根彩羽。。……。神域同样有着炼药师工会,而前世正阳子和青云子却都没有这种胸章,因为他们二人从来没有参加过炼药师工会的考核。。“再去请”薛举咬牙切齿对着身边的传令兵道。"。PS 三年后,亚历山大在“命运之手”q。"如果你在太空中观看这个戏剧性的表演。乔治后来把这张照片交给了他的一位同事,他精通埃及的神话和历史。